This blog has now moved to "Cady May's Corner"
where I post a bit about spinning, spindolyns and sheep and farm stuff.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The hat maker has no hat (and Christmas deadline for ordering)

The deadline for ordering a spindolyn as an “on time” Christmas gift has come.

I am very much enjoying the rush and the day and night work in my newly rearranged shop and using my newly oiled tools and new dust mask and headphones with seasonal music on them, but I can only work so fast.

So remember that big wind? It blew the roof off of the goat shed. The silly goats stood huddled in it without a roof.

IMG_1713 (640x480)

The sheep don’t use a shed, they prefer their fleece to be frosted.

frosty fleece

We got the roof back on without too much arguing, but my ears were very cold during the process because I lost my hat. I got out my old hat pattern and when the rush is over, will be knitting me a new one, and I will design it with room for my hair clips inside. Maybe I will reissue the hat pattern in a better format…… things to think about while I sand and glue today.

Waving at all you frantic knitters!!!!


Valerie said...

Oooh...we had those high winds too. Glad the roof went back on....probably not "easily" (the word I was going to use.)

Love the expectant look on the goats' faces.

Mary Powell said...

Knew a lady who reported that a tornado blew the roof and sides off her chicken house, but when she and her family crawled out of the cellar the chickens had re- settled on their remaining roosts...kinda inspirational huh ?

Great Goats ! Maybe they have the best ear cover hat design?- until the wind blows...