This blog has now moved to "Cady May's Corner"
where I post a bit about spinning, spindolyns and sheep and farm stuff.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Too Hot to Spin? I think not!!

I dug out the basket of naturally dyed fleece from last fall and started in on some bright yellowish green (marigold, alum mordant)

It is not too hot to spin, you just have to be strategic about it….


Dawn said...

Fantastic, will remember this post on hot days, probably easier with a spindle than a wheel though :-)

Hello, by the way - not sure I've commented before after recently finding your blog. I'm a spinner (amongst other things) in England.

Cady May said...

Hi Dawn, Nice to meet you, love your profile pick. thanks for waving at me from across the sea.

Lea-Ann said...

Love it!