This blog has now moved to "Cady May's Corner"
where I post a bit about spinning, spindolyns and sheep and farm stuff.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Mo Bigger! the new Harmonic Spindolyn!

Well, finally!
I have been fiddling with a bigger diameter spindolyn for a while, and kept running into weight issues slowing it down.
I have also been wanting to make a spindolyn out of tulip poplar, one of my favorite woods, but it is too light weight.
Can you see where this is going? duh. Sometimes we can't see the forest for the trees, but then two things happened.
My friend Lisa, a new spinner, sent me this photo of her lovely beginning efforts, and I was stunned at how much she was able to stack on to her spindolyn, and I thought, man! I really need to come up with a bigger spindolyn for plying, and quit just thinking about it.

And then I was pushed over the edge to jump up from my computer and go out to the shop and just "do it" when a lovely customer, and member of the Ravelry Spindolyn Spinners group, Annette, wanted to add to her spindolyn collection and asked ever so nicely for a bigger spindolyn.

And so the "Harmonic" Spindolyn was born, and I can't stop spinning on it long enough to do any knitting. I am a happy spinner!
It is made with tulip poplar, and is 3 1/2" in diameter.
And it holds ALOT!

1 comment:

LisaCothronLaw said...

Gee, I feel famous! I'm glad my efforts could play a tiny part in the creation of a new spindolyn! Lisa