This blog has now moved to "Cady May's Corner"
where I post a bit about spinning, spindolyns and sheep and farm stuff.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

merino with morning coffee

Everyone's bliss is different. In the holler, there are many simple experiences that put me in the now. My porch early in the morning is a place I can count on for peaceful breezes and a variety of birdcalls , when I combine that with merino and coffee, my contentment is complete.


2008 06 22 028_edited-2



Anonymous said...

ahhh, I can feel the peace. And, what an incredible photo of the hummer. How DO you do it? Lea-Ann

Cady May said...

hey Lea-Ann! the trick is to keep your camera in your lap under your knitting ;)

knittingdragonflies said...

No better way to start the day!!

Anonymous said... I linked through from ravelry and it can't be found. Did you replace it? Lea-Ann