This blog has now moved to "Cady May's Corner"
where I post a bit about spinning, spindolyns and sheep and farm stuff.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

this is what knitting does for me

You might have already seen this (the knitting part is at the end) but if not, and you like miniatures and stop motion animation, and sometimes you feel like life is chasing and terrorizing you, and knitting is the comfort food of choice, then you might understand why I shared it again here.


Valerie said...

Cute! I hadn't seen that before. But she knit a woven blanket...we need to give the cinematographer a miniature afghan!

Thanks for posting that.

Cady May said...

LOL, yea, I did notice that, but this is the time of year where we say "it's the thought that counts!"